
We're Dedicated to Life After Rescue
Our Story
Meadow Haven Horse Rescue began in 2004. Over the years expansions were made in an effort to make room for the many abused, unwanted, abandoned, and surrendered horses that were in need of a safe haven.
Horses come to the rescue for a variety of reasons, but more recently it has been due to our struggling economy. Many people try unsuccessfully to sell their animals in a depressed market or are forced to surrender their horses because they have lost their jobs and cannot afford the escalating costs of boarding or feed. Others simply abandon them or stop their care and feeding.
Meadow Haven Horse Rescue strives to provide:
Assistance to the local sheriff's department for cruelty and abandonment cases.
A safe haven for all who enter, and an alternative to auction or slaughter.
Shelter, rehabilitation, and behavioral training.
A home to horses surrendered by owners who are no longer able to provide adequate care.
Adoption services with applicant screening.
A painless end for those, who due to illness or injury, comfort can no longer be assured.
Education, horsemanship lessons, and promotion of responsible ownership.
Special programs for Girl and Boy Scouts and other youth organizations.
Ultimately, Meadow Haven Horse Rescue strives to provide rescue, shelter, rehabilitation, care, and adoption services to any and all equine that are in need.
This 501(c)(3) non-profit organization has been established since 2004 and has operated with Darla Cherry of Sweet Cherry Ranch at the helm since 2008. She assumed the director's position and took over the rescue after assisting in the placement of several horses and adopting a couple of others herself. Since then, the rescue operation has resided in its new, permanent location in Smiley, Texas.
Meadow Haven Horse Rescue & Sanctuary will continue to carry on in an effort to be there for the horses (and donkeys) in need and assist in any way they can.

Remember, we rely on your loving donations to survive.
Meadow Haven Horse Rescue
Established in 2004
Licensed 501(c)(3) since 2004
Federal Tax ID (EIN): 06-1667945
Main Ranch Location
755 County Road 212
Smiley, Texas 78159
If you would like information on how you can donate or help horses in need, please contact us.
(830) 305-9031 or contact@meadowhavenrescue.com
Every day, we strive to keep our minds and gates open to what’s possible and do our best for the betterment of horses everywhere.
We welcome visitors but do ask that you make an appointment since we cannot guarantee someone will be in to greet you.

Meet The Team


Jessie England
Equine Manager
Web Design

